The New Orleans Region Industry Alliance was formed in 2019 and is made up of New Orleans Plant Managers. The group meets quarterly to work on objectives involving response plans between industry, EOC, and local law enforcement, mitigate projected labor shortages for skilled crafts and other plant personnel, and educate local governments and broader communities of industry’s regional value and impact.
NORIA Plant Manager Meetings are led by:
Jared Wimberly, Chalmette Refining
Journey to Industry
The Journey to Industry (JTI) Event provides 10th-grade students with an interactive experience with industry professionals to explore rewarding careers, such as welding, electrical, instrumentation, process operators, lab technicians, and more.
Date: March 5, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: ABC New Orleans/Bayou, St. Rose, La.